The ACA World Convention 2020 was a first for me. From New Delhi, India I was delighted to receive an invitation from the Global Members Sub Committee to be a speaker in two sessions. Being nervous about speaking in public, I was daunted by the proposition, to say the least.
On the magic Saturday 25th April, 10 am EST finally arrived. Our wonderful co-hosts messaged in the chat box that there were almost 700 people attending from all parts of the world. I couldn’t believe it! With bated breath I started sharing! In spite of my fears, faith took over. I felt a deep sense of gratitude! And then suddenly there was a technical glitch. Thanks to my co-hosts, I turned off the video, my HP answered my prayers and, unperturbed, I continued sharing on the audio without further problems.
As I shared, I felt elated as if freed once again of the burden of my past. The moment I finished sharing I saw a message from the Chair of Global. It said: “Awesome job!! You touched so many hearts - the chat box is exploding”! An inner voice said to me, “Sunil, the members attending seem to be identifying with your sharing”! The old Sunil did not exist in isolation anymore! It suddenly felt like I had become one with all of the other ACA members from around the world! After my sessions I read the messages in the Chat Box! I was overwhelmed by the expressions of love and encouragement. What an absolutely extraordinary experience it was for me!
We were, all of us, in this together, part of one big family, helping one another heal! This realization was awesome and it unleashed an incredible energy in me – that I was forever wedded to Service in ACA - spreading the wonderful, loving and healing message of ACA around the world! Participating in the convention gave my recovery such a huge boost!
“Reparenting Ourselves with Loving Care” took on a new meaning and I felt it in the depth of my being! Charlie H’s presentation, “The Steps and our Inner Child” had a very deep impact on me, as did many other sessions. I discovered a deeper understanding of my compulsive personality and why I behaved the way I did, and how it was coming from the need to control my unmanageability. The Communication Workshop was superb!!
Words cannot adequately express how much I owe to ACA and to this wonderful Convention! In the coming weeks and months, I will savour all that I got! In the course of a few hours, my life was transformed; from being one small individual in a remote corner of the world, I became a part of a huge and loving family, living the ACA way of life and spreading the ACA message around the world! Thank you so much ACA, thank you so much WSO!
Sunil A