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Meeting Changes/Updates

The WSO asks registered ACA meetings to verify/update their meeting records at least once a year by submitting an updated meeting registration form.  New additions and or changes to existing meeting information can take a few days to appear on the website.


We have added a new meeting type, meeting_and_online (hybrid).  This allows meetings to appear in both the in-person and online meeting lists.  We think this will help support groups as they go back to meeting face-to-face along with continuing to have online participants.  

Download the PDF which is below here.

Self-Service Process to Update Your Meeting's Information


  1. Click the "Update this Meeting" button on your meeting's listing.
  2. Confirm that you are the meeting's registered WSO primary contact.  (If you are not the primary contact for the meeting, please either contact that person or use the form below.)
  3. You will be sent an email with an update link (may need to check Spam folder).
  4. Click the link in the email and use that form to update the meeting information and click "submit".
  5. You will receive an email copy of the submitted information.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation, once the changes have been applied to the meeting list.

If you have any questions or are experiencing problems with an update, please use this form:

Meeting, Intergroup or Region Help

  • The number WSO assigns to a meeting, Intergroup or Region. (Examples: FL0253, IG#245 or Region 5)
  • Do you have a question or need help to change the information for your Meeting, Intergroup or Region? Let us know.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Copyright © 2023 by Adult Children of Alcoholics® & Dysfunctional Families World Service Organization, Inc.
All rights reserved.