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Irate Customer

Irate Customer

Purchasing a greeting card for my wife,I hear a commotion.Lots of anger and cussing.I look around a corner. I see an older man shove an employee.Tall, grey hair, grey beard,probably in his seventies.He cusses and exits the store. I start to follow, then stop.I look...
Flying Spaghetti Monster

Flying Spaghetti Monster

(Author’s Note: This short poem refers to a couple of similar childhood events and my thoughts at the time. It is about daddy-Monster's temper and the effect it had on one of my brothers and the rest of us.) I am eight or nine years old;my reckless brother is one year...


A drawing from an art-making ACA meeting reflecting my anger about being put into boxes regarding themes of femininity and conditional love regarding gender expression.
I Knew But I Really Didn’t Know

I Knew But I Really Didn’t Know

I knew I didn’t want to be like my mother.She rubbed off on me anyway. I knew my Dad was a drunk who abused me and I was scared of him.I hoped that would change but it didn’t. I knew I didn’t really want to marry my first husband.I did it because I didn’t know it was...