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Lettre De Gratitude

Lettre De Gratitude

Editor's note: English translation was created using google translate Chers membres et serviteurs d’Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA),En ce mois de novembre, mois de la gratitude, je ressens profondément le besoin de vous écrire pour exprimer ma reconnaissance envers...
I’m Not Alone Anymore

I’m Not Alone Anymore

I am writing today to share some of the hope I feel, inspired by attending meetings for the last 3 months. Before finding ACA, at one of the lowest points of my life, I began noticing patterns emerging in my relationships, both platonic and romantic. At the suggestion...


R is for reframing comments from my critical parent. She is trying to protect me in the only way she knows how. I can love her too. E is for enlightenment, illumination, and understanding. For education to my core, insight, discernment, and growing wisdom. And for...
True Teacher

True Teacher

(A short letter/poem to the one teacher who made a difference for me, who revealed my competence to me.)Dear seventh-grade math teacher, you had no idea – the family violence endured by one of your students. I was a C/D student before your...