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Service On The 7s

Service On The 7s

Our daily online ACA meeting finds ways to support the members who perform service. This article describes a practice that works for us, and it may offer ideas for your group as well. The Strengthening My Recovery group gathers every day on Zoom. To allow more people...
Thank You For Your Service

Thank You For Your Service

It’s like puppies in a basket,hunkered down for warmth,happy to be joined togetherin common purpose.Then, a puppy wakes, jumpsout of the basket, startssniffing at the floor, beginsto race around the room.Another puppy startles, seeswhat looks like independenceand...
Support in Stages

Support in Stages

My First Day in ACA I remember when I first came through the ACA doors, I was feeling defeated, overwhelmed and full of shame that I could not shake off the effects of my childhood trauma. My children wanted nothing to do with me, my husband and I had separated due to...