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July 08


"In ACA we become willing to apply what we learn in the program to our daily lives and to relationships." BRB p. 401

When we first got to ACA, some of us couldn't wait for recovery to be finished. How long was this going to take, because we had better things to do than hang out with damaged people. After all, our story wasn't that bad. We just wanted to fix the little things that were holding us back so we could get on with our real lives.

Now Step work and service are two of our favorite things to do. Creating a safe place for ourselves and others - to acknowledge the wounds we all carry - and then begin to grow is the most exciting adventure we have ever been on. The 12 Steps are a design for living that is better than anything else we have tried up to this point in our lives. We are grateful for those who came before us who kept the doors open.

In our homes and in our jobs we practice what we learn at meetings - like listening. We allow others to speak their truth. We learn not to control others and not let ourselves be controlled or manipulated. We trust that the principles of the program that have worked for so many others will continue to work for us in all our affairs. We are becoming fearless in our pursuit of a healthy life. We now have joy, and others can see that.

On this day I will be real in all that I do. By doing so, I make space for others to own their truths.

Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.

Page Number 197

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