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My little brother is 10 years younger than me. I was in junior high school,coming home to find mom outside weeding or something,and my little brother still in the crib… In dirty diapers, and rocking.Banging his head against one of the solid ends of the crib. Creating...
My Cat, RC

My Cat, RC

RC. I am her human. She is my cat.She has a proper name of “Reya Sunshine.”A program friend shared with me… She calls my cat RC. I asked, “RC?” She said, “Recovery Cat.” A tabby with green eyes! Beautiful to look at, lovely to hold.Little did I know that “green eyes”...


What did trust mean to me as a child?As an infant - don’t. As a toddler - don’t. A little older, it is a pattern, don’t.Kindergarten as I crossed the threshold… I thought:“Adults and children aren’t trustworthy, just do the work.”Already had learned the...


I realized lately that my parents did not have friends when I was growing up.Their relationship was adversarial at best. No modeling of a loving relationship, or modeling about having friends. No wonder I have had some difficulties with those! I moved...
Hands and Disconnection

Hands and Disconnection

I was left-handed and wrote letters mirror image until my dad shamed me about that, then I turned them around, of course, to please him.Letters seemed to be the first experience where Left or Right mattered.I was given special scissors by my dadscissors...
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