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Grape Hyacinths

Grape Hyacinths

When my father sold the family home after her death I found the rusty trowel in the garage, duga few from the front yard and dropped them into a plastic bag. We lived on Willow Drive back then and when I openly wished for a willow tree for the front yard I only heard...


I realized lately that my parents did not have friends when I was growing up.Their relationship was adversarial at best. No modeling of a loving relationship, or modeling about having friends. No wonder I have had some difficulties with those! I moved...
Hands and Disconnection

Hands and Disconnection

I was left-handed and wrote letters mirror image until my dad shamed me about that, then I turned them around, of course, to please him.Letters seemed to be the first experience where Left or Right mattered.I was given special scissors by my dadscissors...
My Spiritual Experience

My Spiritual Experience

Start with the courage to let go of what and whom I cannot change. I let it go and I feel It, what some of us choose to call God. When I surrender instead of “fixating” on things, places, circumstances and people I am unable to “fix”, my mind gains the necessary space...
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