This article is my ACA Amendments. They are the evidence of the healing that came from learning and applying the ACA Bill of Rights.
Definitions from Google:
A Bill is a proposal for new laws or a change to an existing law.
Amendment is a formal change to a law, contract, or constitution.... The word "amend" means to change for the better.
A few years back, early in my ACA recovery. my Sponsor at that time shared the draft of The ACA Bill of Rights. I read them and my mouth dropped open, because I could not believe that I was allowed to have such rights. I did not feel like I deserved such privileges, as I thought those were. It literally brought tears, because there was a freedom in the phrases; a freedom of spirit and beliefs that I thought could be possible. But because I was taught otherwise, I was also taught to ignore my instincts about "rights". As I re-read them each time, I came to understand these were proposals for a new way to think. A healthier way to think.
I re-typed them, and printed them on fancy paper. I put that sheet in a pretty frame and that framed document sat on my dresser for years. When I moved, I took it with me, and it now sits on my bathroom vanity. I chose to read them on a regular basis and implement them as a tool of my ACA recovery. They were uncomfortable at first, and I did not feel I deserved or was worthy of such Rights, but I continued anyway. I felt, if someone wrote them and they resonated so deeply for me, and with others, there must be something to them. I worked the steps with my ACA Sponsor, and also applied ACA affirmations on a regular basis. All of these recovery tools and healing practices helped me find a new level of healing,
This past year, as I reflected on my ACA journey, and the version of myself I have come into, I began to see how each one of those Rights had been implemented in my life. They amended my fragmented spirit along with my dysfunctional mindset. The words in each "Right" had been realized and were an instrumental part that carried me on my journey from hurting to healing, and now they help me acknowledge - that I am a new version of myself. I am no longer held hostage to my old, ingrained beliefs. I have learned how to, then began to, reparent myself through this ACA process. The Rights had become amendments in my mind and helped me redefine my beliefs to rewrite the script of my outdated messages and critical voice.
They are now how I live and operate. They ARE my new “laws“ for living, thinking, and believing.
I have written the following Amendments which were taken from the ACA Bill of Rights. As I stated above, the language is reflective of how I currently, truly live and believe. I hope this share brings someone in this process the hope and healing they need to continue on their ACA journey and to use this tool as a significant part of their healing as well.
In loving Service,
Annie D.
New Jersey/Florida.
PS. I HAVE become my own loving parent!
ACA Amendments
The following amendments are what have been redefined in my life as a result of doing the ACA work and a realization of the ACA Bill of Rights
- I say no when it is not a priority for me.
- I say, “I don’t know.” without guilt or embarrassment when I am unsure, or I don’t know.
- I detach from people in whose company I feel humiliated or manipulated.
- I am treated with dignity and respect, by myself and others.
- I make mistakes and learn from them.
- I can be wrong and know that I am not broken.
- I make my own choices and decisions in my life; I don’t feel guilty when someone does not like what I do, say, think, or feel.
- I allow myself to grieve any actual or perceived losses.
- I allow myself to feel all of my feelings.
- I know that I can feel angry, including towards someone I love.
- I give myself permission to change my mind at any time, when I need to.
- I live a spiritually, physically, and emotionally healthier existence, though it deviates entirely or in part from my parents’ way of life.
- I forgive myself and choose how and when I forgive others.
- I take healthy risks and experiment with new possibilities.
- I am honest in my relationships and deserve the same from others.
- I ask for what I want and need.
- I determine and honor my own priorities and goals, and leave others to their Higher Powers.
- I dream and trust in all possibilities.
- I am my True Self.
- I know and nurture my Inner Child. I am my own Loving Parent.
- I laugh, I play, I have fun, and I am free to celebrate my life, right here, right now.
- I live life happy, joyous, and free.