Cast out of the shadows
Facing my past
A process of healing
Hoping the changes will last.
Coming out of denial,
Recognizing the chaos that was there
Powerless over the traits
Feelings I no longer could bear.
Stuck in the old patterns
The inner drug store’s appeal
I learned to accept and love myself
For the first time beginning to feel.
The lightbulb went off,
As I started taking action
Joined some small ACA groups
Resulted in so much satisfaction.
Reparenting and loving myself
Requirements for things to hold
Listening to my Inner Loving Parent
Not the inner critic trying to scold.
Once I learn this better way of seeing things
A new view of my soul,
I am on my way to peace and bliss
Filling that God sized hole.
The steps provided the foundation
A Loving Parent close by
All that is required is willingness
I didn’t need to question why.
After I have seen the light,
It is hard to go back into the dark
The solution appears life changing
I have finally hit the mark.
I am on this new path
Nothing do I lack
I have rung the bell of ACA recovery
They all have my back !
Paul P
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