my leg will always
have been broken
I cannot heal well enough
to be as I was in the past
before it was broken
I cannot run into a future healing
no matter how strong the bone
how faded the scar
my heart will always
have been broken
there is not enough therapy
for a future where it doesn’t
beat differently
no amount of re-telling
or writing
can undo the break
I must live now
walk and love more tenderly
attend to my healing
not in stubborn denial
or vain wishing
I must live now
mindful how it came to be so
allowing it to be
accepting the future as it comes
I am broken
and whole
Author’s Note: My poem, "broken and whole" reflects my understanding of healing offered to me by ACA. I can't undo the harm or dysfunction, but I can find healing live whole.
Kara O
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