My Loving Parent,
Guides my daily action
Shapes my choices and decisions
To my utter satisfaction.
The voices within
Which one do I hear?
The self-critical blaming voice,
Or the loving one that is near.
Reacting with fear and self-doubt
The adult child within
I have the daily choice
For a new relationship to begin.
Accessing this power
Practicing gentle kindness each day
My inner loving parent
Has many kind words to say.
The tools at my disposal
Connecting with my inner one
Giving him what he needs
A well-earned victory I have won.
Reparenting when I am troubled,
Figuring out what he needs,
My loving parent begins to emerge
With such healing this breeds.
Accessing my inner loving voice,
Whenever I am in distress,
It’s not such a difficult task
Success is mine and nothing less.
The solution is to become my own loving parent,
The goal of all of my work each week
Practicing all that I have learned ,
Much is revealed the more I seek.
Paul P.
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