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by | Apr 15, 2022 | ACA And The Arts, ComLine

It’s like puppies in a basket,
hunkered down for warmth,
happy to be joined together
in common purpose.

Then, a puppy wakes, jumps
out of the basket, starts
sniffing at the floor, begins
to race around the room.

Another puppy startles, sees
what looks like independence
and jumps out too. Tries to catch up
with this new idea, that’s what he thinks.

They tussle playfully, then a nip turns
into a bite, and pretty soon, they’re
tangled in a knot, each angling for
the upper hand.

The other puppies wake and start
a ruckus, barking, whining, wondering
what they should do next – stay put
or venture into the fray?

Commotion ensues. Then one puppy
poops. He can’t help it. A puppy poop
right in the middle of the basket. 
The others stop, sniff, recognize the scent.

Something must be done, but what?
At a puppy impasse, they’re at a loss.

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