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A Dream Come True

by | Mar 1, 2022 | ACA Beyond Borders, ComLine

Hello, I am Sue V, a grateful Adult Child. The 2020 Annual World Convention (AWC) has been a dream come true; one global ACA fellowship all together in one space, many hearts beating together. The dream started in 2018 when I was the co-chair of the AWC and heard from several countries requesting to stream into the 2018 AWC. We didn’t have the resources or knowledge to do it, as it was only our third AWC. I remember saying after this convention that it was very beautiful but we needed to find a way to bring our ACA world together.

In 2019, I joined the Global Member’s subcommittee as their chair. We were developing a workshop for the 2020 AWC and had hoped to virtually stream our members in from our different countries. They could not travel to the United States for the convention. When the pandemic occurred, we voiced our wish for an online 2020 AWC along with other ACA members and committed our support. We sponsored three workshops with 14 speakers and shared our collective global experience, strength, and hope (ESH) of ACA in all our countries around the world. Our hearts, my heart, broke wide open, overflowing around the planet. We truly became a Global ACA without Borders. We celebrate our similarities and our differences, we are stronger together and are breaking free of our isolation from our different countries.

My heart and tears overflowed with joy and love from all the beautiful shares and the presence of all our ACA brothers and sisters around the world. I felt this gigantic ACA heart beating as one, healing us all. I am so grateful for WSO, our volunteers and our higher power in creating this miracle. Thank you.

The gift kept giving after the AWC finished, when many of us stayed online to share individually our ACA Serenity prayer in our language one by one. As I write this article the tears start to come again, this is something I will carry in my heart forever. I even felt an intergenerational healing when I heard our prayer said in Gaelic. I felt a release and a healing for my ancestors on my father’s side. So unexpectedly amazing! I am so grateful.  

Sue V, Toronto, Canada

Chair – WSO Global Members Committee

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