Dew drop glistening with light shining through,
drops to the ground only to slowly form again
Cherry blossoms bursting alive,
proudly showing pink petals amid tangled branches
Heat waves from a roof vent shimmering like a mirage,
reminder to be grateful for the inner warmth it represents
Front porch light in in daylight hours,
it’s job complete yet not relieved of duty at dawn
Blue sky appearing unexpectedly,
a glimmer of hope that the gray days of Seattle are coming to an end
Fence posts weathering,
standing tall to guard our most precious loves from wandering off
Rain water from last night’s storm flowing through the curb,
making its way to the aqueduct and then to the lake
One last daffodil glowing yellow for a few more days,
declaring that Spring did indeed arrive
Morning light through wispy clouds (a bit too bright for a stare),
harkening the start of a new day filled with opportunity for growth
Blue car slowing and stopping out on the main road,
cautiously avoiding the neighbors dog that was a bit too close
Leaves on a Lilac reaching toward the light,
offering hope of fragrant flowers that signify spirituality, joy, tranquility, peace, acceptance and love - reminders from the universe of transformation of lives in community
Dirt on the window screen - calling to be cleaned,
reminding that even when something can be seen past, there is still work to be done
Evergreens swaying in the breeze with their forever emerald branches standing steadfast, holding the constancy of Life Force’s Power.
Annie M