As of the 2024 Annual Business Conference, the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Literature Committee, the Literature Evaluation Subcommittee (Lit Eval), and the Literature in Development Subcommittee (Lit Dev) will be stepping down. These are:
Literature Chair - Christine B
Literature Evaluation Chair - Greg R.
Literature in Development Chair – Erin D.
Literature Evaluation Vice Chair – Ralph B.
The remaining Literature Subcommittee Chairs will remain in WSO service, although the Chair of the ComLine Blog Subcommittee (ComLine) has served almost 3 years, so a new Chair will be needed in the near future:
Language Subcommittee –Alexandra E
ComLine Blog Subcommittee- Bradford H.
The volunteers who are stepping down have spoken to many possible candidates who might succeed them, and all of them are unable to leave their current roles. This will be a time of transition and may result in several important positions being unfilled. This article gives an overview of what these positions do and the service and experience requirements.
The Chair of the Literature Committee must meet requirements set by the WSO Board of Trustees (see Endnote) and is usually voted on by the delegates at the ABC. (The current Chair was appointed by the Board following the resignation of the former Chair after the ABC).
Chairs of Literature Subcommittees are appointed by the Literature Committee and are not subject to the same requirements. The voting members of the Literature Committee will evaluate any candidate for prior recovery and service experience, time availability, and support network.
Here are job descriptions of each soon to be open position:
1. Literature Committee Chair: The Chair sets agendas for meetings (each Monday at Noon Eastern US Time) with all Subcommittee (SC) Chairs, posts the agendas in Slack, and leads the meetings. The Chair prepares the agenda and leads monthly and quarterly open meetings of the Literature Committee. Generally, the regular business of the Literature Committee includes:
a. Reviews and approves responses by Lit Eval to literature proposed to become Conference Approved.
b. Coordinates communications on the website and through The Traveler, the ComLine Blog, and Slack about Literature Committee activities.
c. Receives reports from Subcommittees for Literature Committee response.
d. Facilitates discussion and setting of policy and process for Literature Committee issues.
e. Posts meeting recordings and minutes on Slack and in the Literature Committee shared Google drive.
f. Oversees posting of all relevant information on the Literature Committee Google drive.
g. Attends meetings of the Content Collaboration Committee and other Committees as requested.
Writes Literature Committee reports for the WSO Board Teleconference, the Annual Business Conference, and other meetings of Conference Delegates.
2. Chair of Literature Evaluation:
a. Selects a Reader Team Leader, who assembles reader teams to read and respond to new proposed literature submitted as a result of:
i. delegate ballot;
ii. individual groups;
iii. Board request; or
iv. Literature in Development, after an assessment of need
b. Facilitates internal review of reader team comments and prepares response letters to writer teams.
c. Prepares a draft response to writer teams for Subcommittee approval.
d. Leads review of document revisions from writers to request for revision.
e. Leads review of post-fellowship review comments from members.
3. Chair of Literature in Development:
a. Responds to pertinent Conference motions by creating working groups and/or writer teams to develop literature. Example: Big Red Book revision.
b. Assesses need for new or revised literature based on fellowship input.
i. Example: Fellowship asked to adopt the Tony A steps. Lit Dev created a new Steps Working Group to write additional loving steps;
ii. Example: Spiritual Inclusion Working Group created to respond to member requests for less Christian centric hierarchical language around higher power.
c.Creates agenda and facilitates monthly meetings of all Lit Dev working groups.
4. Chair of ComLine Blog:
a. prepares agendas and minutes for Subcommittee meetings
b. posts the agendas and minutes in Slack
c. leads meetings of the Subcommittee toward accomplishment of its purpose
d. recruits and/or selects, assigns, trains, and oversees volunteers to:
i. create ComLine Blog content;
ii. solicit content submissions;
iii. receive content submitted by ACA members for publication;
iv. evaluate and prepare content for publication;
v. publish new content on the ComLine Blog;
vi. solicit feedback from visitors and evaluate for possible blog changes;
vii. recommend changes to the Literature Committee.
Each of the leaders stepping down welcomes a conversation about how you might get involved. Please email us:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The following are suggested eligibility criteria to serve as ACA WSO committee chairs, co-chairs, or vice chairs. Committees may nominate candidates who do not meet every item on this list, but where that occurs, they should explain to the Board why the committee believes that specific criteria should be waived.
1. Continuous attendance at ACA meetings for at least the previous two years.
2. One year or more of combined service to an ACA intergroup, region or WSO committee, with at least six months of active participation on the WSO Committee they would be chairing.
3. Attendance on at least three WSO monthly Board teleconference calls within the 12 months prior to becoming chair.
4. Working knowledge of ACA’s Steps, Traditions and Concepts of Service.
5. WSO committee chairs and vice chairs may not hold a similar position in another 12-Step Fellowship.
6. Demonstrated skill at working in a group setting and completing projects.
7. Ability to meet all committee meeting requirements, attend monthly Board teleconferences, and comply with all OPPM guidelines related to committee officer service.
8. Willingness to sign both the Commitment to Service and a WSO Conflict of Interest Statement.
Christine L