I have been in a Twelve Step Program for food for over 20 years, where, at my first meeting, newcomers were encouraged to get a sponsor right away and work the Steps. Having not been in a Twelve Step program before this one, I accepted the recommendation and was grateful to have a sponsor who guided me along the way and was there for me as I worked the Steps.
After working this program for several years, it became clear that I needed another Twelve Step program for issues I was having around money. This program was different from the food program in that there was less structure around sponsorship; but I did get a sponsor by asking someone who had what I wanted. Again, I worked those Steps with the support of my sponsor(s).
After working that program for several years, it became apparent that I needed yet another Twelve Step program around control, reactivity and other behaviors that were causing me a lot of pain. Fellows in my other programs were talking about their experiences in ACA and I found myself in my third program.
When I moved out of the area, I found an ACA meeting which I attended regularly. Knowing the magic I encountered in working the Steps in my other programs, I wanted to do the same in ACA, and joined a step group. We met regularly, but some things just did not feel right and safe, like sometimes the allowing of crosstalk, so I eventually left the group.
While researching other ACA meetings, I stumbled across Ready Set Go (RSG)! This 6-week introduction to ACA and the Steps was exactly what I needed since I found myself having such a hard time wrapping my head around this program. It was considerably more gentle than my other programs. The RSG leader was loving both in the way she guided each meeting and also via email where she graciously shared the materials for” Ready Set Go!” so I would be prepared for each meeting.
My mind, body and spirit had a complete shift in what I now believe is a solid way to approach this miraculous ACA program. I am grateful to now be on Step Eight (with a sponsor) because I didn’t leave the program. I Ready Set and Go’d.