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Send Intergroup Email with update Link

  • The WSO asks registered ACA Intergroups to verify/update their Intergroups records at least once a year by submitting an updated registration form.

    PLEASE NOTE: New additions and or changes to existing information can take up to 1 week to appear on the website.

    Each intergroup has a private contact used by WSO to contact the group about making changes and doing the annual review of the information. This helps ensure only the group contact can change the information.

    If you are the Intergroup contact, then click the button below and an email message will be generated and sent to the private contact WSO has recorded for the intergroup. The email message will have a link that enables you to edit the intergroup information.

    Yes, I am the WSO Private contact, and want the email sent to me.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Sending email to WSO contact to update intergroup Aca Finland

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