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Daily Affirmations - Strengthening My Recovery

June 02


"True humility is the willingness to seek and do God's will with our best effort." BRB p. 223

In ACA, we move from wanting and being willing to actually finding the passion that begins our journey into recovery. We look for that passion because without it we merely talk recovery, we do not live it.

We look past our desire to heal ourselves and we develop the humility needed to seek our Higher Power's will for us. With that humility, we surrender ourselves to the spiritual seed that's blossoming inside of us. We move toward that essence, and the closer we get, the more in touch we are with our own spiritual being. We begin to live in the present.

And in that now, we see the world differently. We notice the spiritual essence in others and the beauty around us. We begin to feel the peace. We begin to shed our past, including the person we thought we were, and we are at peace with the stillness. Further down the path, we realize that the stillness is our Higher Power working inside us.

On this day I seek the humility needed to accept my Higher Power's will, knowing that it is the basis for my journey to recovery. The miracle of ACA has begun.

Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.

Page Number 160

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