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Fourteen Traits
  • Location : Sunday 12:30pm CST – Laundry List Traits Workbook Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/536246427?pwd=MlZkV3JqRDllWDRIQVRxSWlicEtCZz09 Meeting ID: 536 246 427 Passcode: 12345
  • Language:
  • Meeting Type: online
  • Focus:
  • Open/Closed: Open to All
  • Format: Discussion, Laundry Lists Workbook,
  • Notes:
  • Other Info:
  • Intergroup: West Great Lakes ACA Intergroup
  • Region: None

Meeting Times

  • Meeting's Time Zone: America/Chicago
  • Day: Sunday
  • Time: 12:30 pm
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