Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy serves the worldwide fellowship of Adult Children of Alcoholics. Except where otherwise noted in our Meeting Directory, personal contact data is not shared with anyone outside the ACA World Service Organization.
The Meeting Directory requires that every registered ACA meeting contain a public contact, and that person’s phone and/or email information is available to all site visitors. Primary and Secondary WSO contact information is only for internal WSO use and enables WSO to send information to registered meetings and to ensure only the authorized users can make changes to meeting information. Public and private meeting information may be changed by the primary contact person at any time. If you encounter trouble, please contact [email protected].
Newsletter signups are voluntary and enable you to receive ACA newsletters. We use Mailchimp as our email distribution platform. You can learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here. This contact information is not shared outside ACA WSO for any purpose.
To better serve visitors, uses Google analytics. To learn more, see Google Analytics’ terms of service. (link:
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site, we will assume that you are happy with it. You can use your browser to remove the site’s cookies and most functions on the website will continue to operate. You can use the Contact Us form to notify us of any issues.
Contact Us
You can send us any questions regarding our privacy policy via the Contact Us form on the site.