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The Wall Between Us

The Wall Between Us

The Wall was her charm, her people-pleasing, her lies mixed with a deep care for me, her mother. The Wall was addiction. The Wall was the disconnect in our realities. I had wanted so much to believe that she had left her drug-of-choice in the rearview mirror, even...
Get Over It?

Get Over It?

(Authors Note: A short poem about a dismissive phrase I've heard a few times, sometimes from well-meaning people.)Get over it: three of the ugliest words I have heard, spoken only by those who cannot hear the heart. I first heard it from a preacher. I forget the...
My Right Leg Tells Me a Story

My Right Leg Tells Me a Story

I had a dream last nightI am dreaming latelyafter none for most of my lifeexcept for “stuck feet” dreams, repeatedly, the same dreamagain and again. Go back to sleep, it runs again.Thankfully those are gone now.The door opened around being the speaker for a speaker...
Sortir du marécage

Sortir du marécage

On m’avait fait gober que j’étais handicapée psychique, porteuse d’une maladie mentale d’origine génétique. En vrai, l’origine de mes symptômes n’était pas dans les gènes, mais bien dans la gêne. La honte. Le marécage familial, où la tolérance à l’abus est telle qu’on...
Two Poems

Two Poems

#1 - RetroVision - With years now grown in numberMy thoughts are prone to wanderAmong all the harder momentsWhere my life has come to restTo view them with a softer sightTo weigh them with a wider mindTo wrap them in a warmer heartAnd finally to forgive myselfFor...