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My Right Leg Tells Me a Story

My Right Leg Tells Me a Story

I had a dream last nightI am dreaming latelyafter none for most of my lifeexcept for “stuck feet” dreams, repeatedly, the same dreamagain and again. Go back to sleep, it runs again.Thankfully those are gone now.The door opened around being the speaker for a speaker...
The Girl Who Loved Her Father Like Salt

The Girl Who Loved Her Father Like Salt

A story from my childhood... This was a book that was read many, many times as a child.Mom read books with my older brother and me, we were on the floor.We did not connect with each other or her, we did not look at the pictures.We did not touch.The father asked how...
Accessing Our Higher Self

Accessing Our Higher Self

We must gain balance within ourselves before we can bring balance to the world. In order to connect with our higher self, we must remove all blockages. Energy flows through our body like water flows through a creek. Our body has pools of spiraling energy known as the...
Découvir Les Frontiéres

Découvir Les Frontiéres

En tant qu’adolescente souffrant d’obsessions suicidaires, j’avais de grandes difficultés à respecter la limite suprême entre vie et mort. Trop, c’est trop. Les soi-disant « soins psychiatriques » empiraient ces obsessions : un comble ! Il m’aura fallu quatre...
Letter to Mom

Letter to Mom

I never suspected that your father treated you badly. He was charming, and an enthusiastic host to his grandchildren, so I only saw that side of him. He was playful, mischievous, and resourceful. He made his own soap and vinegar, grew vegetables, bought delicious...