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Inventory – Dreaded Inventory

Inventory – Dreaded Inventory

A searching and fearless moral inventory? With lots of fear and trepidation. I don’t like the word fearless; it’s not true. I’ll use the word courageous instead. Whose inventory? Those who harmed me? After all, they are at fault. My parents, my coworkers, the toxic...


I remembered the name of someone I knew when I was very little,before my assigned friend, both of us in second grade, moved in across the street.I searched on her name, and in Facebook. Didn’t find her.Hoping she was still here, that she made it. Such an addict...
Lonely Had Become My Middle Name

Lonely Had Become My Middle Name

Another shot at love.just to be met with scorn ending up with the shovecreating a feeling #forlorn.And I kept on trying.To connect with the outer worldand it felt like dyingwhile shadows danced and swirled.Alone again, alone in the darkWhy have you forsaken...


Strong willedUnique and proud of itA go getter; doerRiding the wavesAgainst the grainHead always above waterEyes and smile changing the mood of any roomSkilledDeterminedInnocentHard at timesChallengingDemandingDefensiveDefenderPerseveranceNot trustingHow could you?All...
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