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Hands and Disconnection

Hands and Disconnection

I was left-handed and wrote letters mirror image until my dad shamed me about that, then I turned them around, of course, to please him.Letters seemed to be the first experience where Left or Right mattered.I was given special scissors by my dadscissors...


I grew up as a grandchild of an ACA and later became a drunk; I don't like pain, fear, and abuse in my life. I had too much from my ACA childhood. I became overly anxious for decades and turned to physical materialism to heal, but it never got better until 2012 and...
Letter to Mom

Letter to Mom

I never suspected that your father treated you badly. He was charming, and an enthusiastic host to his grandchildren, so I only saw that side of him. He was playful, mischievous, and resourceful. He made his own soap and vinegar, grew vegetables, bought delicious...
An Interesting Opportunity

An Interesting Opportunity

An interesting opportunity has recently arisen for meTo travel somewhere special and explore somethingLong-time on my bucket list.That interesting opportunity has started a war in meBetween the nasty Negative-Nancy, doubting-Debbie-Downer,That is my critical parent...
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