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The Fireplace

The Fireplace

I am made of red brick, with a smoke patinafrom when I decide to belch smoke back into the housejust for fun. The girl in this house, she loves me.She loves to lay on the floor, watching the colors in the fire.Sometimes adding little wax color pots, she makes in egg...


I’ve had enough of foodAnd the way it makes me feelA necessary evil, at once requiredBut not enough to heal. A simple joy served upOne fist after anotherWould it be too much to ask…No, I shouldn’t even bother. The weight adds upThe pain compoundedJust a little more...


A young woman in need of recovery, God sent me an angel named Mary. In the hospital where I lay, Mary spotted me across the way. Mary G. was not alone; there were two others who have now passed on. Mary G. began to speak; "God gives to one recovery by the power of...
My Journey Into ACA

My Journey Into ACA

My name is Lindsay, and I am a recovering member of the ACA program. I struggle a lot, sometimes every second of the day, to reconstruct my thoughts to more positive thinking with a stronger sense of self-worth as I reflect upon all of my experiences while living life...
Alien Invader

Alien Invader

Twenty-four years old: Someone treats me with contempt. Someone views me as worthless. Someone disrespects me. A bureaucrat treats me as an object – a thing to be discarded. Anger churns within. Without thinking, I retaliate. A...
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