“On this day I will give myself the gift of asking for help, whether it’s in my recovery or anywhere in my life.” Strengthening My Recovery, page 82
Welcome to the International Literature Fund. This fund is for registered groups needing support with translations and literature publications. To qualify for this fund, your group must need financial support to complete translations and/or literature distribution in your part of the world. So, out of love and unity, as a gentle reminder, please complete this application form found here. The Publishing Committee will respond in the next two weeks. Please check our web page for more information:
What other ACA recipients are saying about the International Literature Fund:
A wounded part of me felt shame and unloved for not gaining equal access and given an opportunity to grow.Thanks to the International Literature Fund (ILF), I was thrilled that the ACA India Fellowship has secured hard copies of the LLWB in addition to more literature which was sold at much more affordable rates compared to international costs.
With newcomers pouring in from all parts of India, we are now able to ship these books to those in need.
I have experienced when recovery is made accessible, I perceive the world as a more welcoming place. In India, the ILF has been a catalyst for hastening the recovery journey of fellow travelers. With affordable and accessible literature, more members are keen to complete the 12 Steps and integration work, and are inspired and willing to sign up for service.
We have more than 25 meetings in English and other local languages cater to special focus groups focusing on all aspects of ACA recovery.
We have fostered so much love, belonging, and togetherness in our fellowship. I no longer feel alone. I am now able to render service in my home group, in the intergroup, and in the LGBTQIA+ meeting. I am only positive for the future of ACA in India. We are grateful to the International Literature Fund! We thank you.
In 2021 we received funding to print locally, making it possible to always to have stock on hand at a fairly reasonable cost to most. Although our fellowship is still small we are seeing steady growth in meetings and membership. We believe that without the availability of affordable literature this would not be possible. We are thankful to our ACA world-wide fellowship who have funded the ILF making it possible for us to have the literature to work our recovery!
A Translation Member from the Arabic Fellowship says: We are very grateful to have received funding from ACA's International Literature Fund (ILF) so we could hire a professional Arabic linguistics reviewer. Read More
Because of our many dialects, it was necessary to ensure words were stated correctly for understanding and clarification. We are eternally grateful to the ILF for this vital assistance.