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Planned Giving

"... to carry its message to the adult child who still suffers."

-from ACA's Tradition Five.


ACA understands its members may wish to provide a lasting and final Seventh Tradition. The following information is shared to help those members set up a bequest contribution.

Am I eligible to name ACA as part of my planned giving?

In keeping with our traditions and concepts, only members of ACA are allowed to include the ACA World Service Organization as a beneficiary. Memorial contribution by friends and relatives not in ACA, regardless of good intentions, cannot be accepted. Our funding must be maintained by our members only.

Where can qualified members include ACA World Service Organization as a beneficiary?

The following information may be required in each to set up a bequest contribution:

Legal name: Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization


Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization, Inc.
P.O. Box 811
Lakewood, CA 90714-0811



Tax ID:


How should I include ACA in my will or living trust?

As with any estate planning, engaging a licensed estate and probate services will help ensure your planned giving will proceed properly. For the will or living trust, the following wording may help the preparer:

“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath _________ (enter a dollar amount or details of item(s) to be given) to Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization, a California non-profit public benefit corporation organized under Section 501(c)(3), bearing U.S. tax identification number 33-0038377; P.O. Box 811 Lakewood, CA 90714-0811,  for its general purposes.“

Can I designate a particular group or area within ACA/WSO as a recipient for my bequest?

In accordance with our 7th Tradition, any and all donations to ACA cannot be earmarked for specific groups, areas or activities within the organization. Please note that any donations including instructions for distribution must and will be returned.

To Help Ensure Your Planned Giving …

To verify your intention for Planned Giving for ACA WSO, and to receive any updates for the most accurate ACA/WSO designation information, please fill in the following form:

For any questions regarding Planned Giving to Adult Children of Alcoholics, please email us at