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Daily Affirmations - Strengthening My Recovery

January 26


"Sponsorship is the vehicle by which we take the road less traveled to a true connection with others and a God of our understanding." BRB p. 368

Coming from a family of dysfunction, we developed a fear of authority. We learned early that our opinions, feelings, and attitudes were insignificant. The power belonged to the raging alcoholic, the enabling spouse, and any older children in the family who were given authority over us because they had been put in charge of most of our care. In alcoholic homes, the parents were too involved in fighting or manipulating each other over alcoholic rages and abusive behavior to care for us.

When we escaped, we vowed never to let another person control us; yet, we found ourselves either being the abuser or the dependent one in most relationships we developed, including working relationships, religious relationships, and friendships.

When we finally found ACA, for some of us, choosing a sponsor to help us work the Steps often lead to the same type of relationship we were familiar with. Then we discovered the "fellow traveler" model of sponsorship. We found this peer-to-peer concept helped keep us out of our people-pleasing or running-someone-else's-life behaviors. It put us on equal footing and allowed us to travel the road to recovery together.

On this day I will walk hand-in-hand with my fellow traveler so we can help each other recover on the less-traveled road.

Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.

Page Number 27

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