ComLine Blog
Expect new ComLine articles the 1st and 15th of each month.
The Wall Between Us
Lettre De Gratitude
Irate Customer
Why I Don’t Ask for Help
We want your feedback about the new ComLine Blog
*All ComLine pictures are either in the public domain or are used with permission. ComLine authors do not appear in any picture in this blog.
**The content of items published on this blog reflect only the opinions of the author. They do not reflect the views of ACA, the ACA World Services Organization, the WSO Literature Committee, or the ComLine Blog Subcommittee.
The ComLine Blog has added a new category for submissions to the blog. The new category is “Newcomer Resources”. We invite ACA members to submit shares and other content they feel will be of particular benefit to those who are new to the ACA program of recovery.
Posting of comments by readers on newly-published individual ComLine Blog submissions is now enabled for a trial period of up to six months. These comments will be visible to members of the ComLine Blog Subcommittee, but will not be made public during this trial period. The Subcommittee will use information collected to prepare a possible recommendation to make such comments publicly available to authors and readers of the blog.
We invite readers to leave comments on new blog submissions, but the ability to leave comments on submissions published before 1 July 2024 is not enabled. We also invite comments as to whether you feel allowing reader comments and making them public would or would not be a good feature for the ComLine Blog to add. Just click on “Submit Feedback” in the right sidebar.
The Wall Between Us
by Christine O. | Dec 1, 2024
The Wall was her charm, her people-pleasing, her lies mixed with a deep care for me, her mother. The Wall was addiction. The Wall was the disconnect in our realities. I had wanted so much to believe that she had left her drug-of-choice in the rearview mirror, even...
Lettre De Gratitude
by Fernando T. | Dec 1, 2024
Editor's note: English translation was created using google translate Chers membres et serviteurs d’Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA),En ce mois de novembre, mois de la gratitude, je ressens profondément le besoin de vous écrire pour exprimer ma reconnaissance envers...
Irate Customer
by Tom M. | Dec 1, 2024
Purchasing a greeting card for my wife,I hear a commotion.Lots of anger and cussing.I look around a corner. I see an older man shove an employee.Tall, grey hair, grey beard,probably in his seventies.He cusses and exits the store. I start to follow, then stop.I look...
Why I Don’t Ask for Help
by Tamara P. | Nov 15, 2024
Asking requires a voiceConfidence to use itAnd fearlessnessA form of self-awarenessAnd courageVulnerability and self-discoveryHope FaithAnd TrustFrightening and unfamiliarSurreal and foreignWho can I trust?I don't know how to trust myselfLet alone anyone...
Posting of comments for others to see is disabled, but we encourage you to provide feedback by clicking on the “Submit Feedback” button below.
Authors List
Abdul A., Adarsha A, Adsiz Y Ç., Alaska Y., Alex B., Alexandra & Eira, Alexandra E, Alexandra P., Alison S., Allison H., Anastasia S., Moscow, Andy R., Angela L., Anna K., Annie D., Annie M., Anonymous, Ashley B., Barbara B., Basma H., Berlinda C., Bill D., Bonnie M, Brad H., Brad P., Carlos L., Celeste S., CG, Charile H, Chaz B., Cheryl F., Chris J., Chris M., Christie P., Christine B, Christine L., Christine O., Cindy D., Clara P., Clara T., Colette B., Dan S., Dave H., Dave@Pancho H., David K., Dawn G., Deb B., Debra L., Denise R., DESC Subcommittee, Diane F., Dianne B, Drew D., Ela M., Erin D., Esraa S., Fellow Traveler, Fernando T., Gail W., Galaxy Z, Geneviève R., Global Members of ACA, Gretchen W., Haley R., Hara H., Harper O., Heather C., Hodaya B., Ifechukwu O., Imeri E., Jane F., Jay K., Jean N, Jeannie T., Jennifer M., Jess P., Jill O., Jim R., Joanne B., Jon F., Josh J., Julia H, Julie N., Justine F., Kara O., Karie W., Kathleen C., Kathleen O., Kathleen S., Kathy O., Katrina W., Kaz S., Kendra N., Kristen B, Kristopher S., Lara O., Lauren K., Leah W., Lena L, Lexi I., Linda G., Lindsay P., Lisa L, Literature Committee, Lori N., Makari R., Margo T., Mari V., Marion M, Martin A., Mary H., Maura T., Melanie B., Michael H, Michell B.C., Micki F., Midge G., Mike S., Minuete C., Miriam C., Mona O., Monique J, Nancy A., Olivia M., Omid J., Oroki R., Pamela M., Paul P., Rae M., Raya V., Rena Z., Renita E., Rosalie M., Sam P., Sandee B., Sara Z., Saskia S, Sean H., Shanna D., Shannon M., Sivan H., SkyHeart, Stephen G., Sue L., Sue V, Sunil A, Susanne, Susanne R., Suzi B., Tamara P., Tamara P., The Safety Resources Committee, Thom L., Tobach N., Tom M., Tom P., Toni P., Vee B., Veronica A., Will C., Wjoe H, WSO Announcements, WSO Ballot Prep Committee, WSO Finance Committee, WSO Literature Committee, WSO Volunteer Resource Committee, Yvonne de H, Yvonne W.Submission Policy
We welcome blog submissions of articles and other content from ACA members.
To keep this blog a safe place, before submitting an article or other content please read our submission policy