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July 22

Therapy and the Twelve Steps

"The miraculous combination of therapy and working the Twelve Steps set me free from the prison of my childhood playpen to explore and experience my real and unique self." BRB p. 55

When we first came to ACA, some of us found it confusing and disorienting, but somehow comfortable. We may have taken a while to get started on working the Steps, but when we did, we saw changes in ourselves. It was so heartening that we were finding our True Identity. Sometimes, though, we wondered if we needed help beyond what we could ask of our fellow travelers.

We heard others occasionally mention that they saw a therapist, and that combining therapy with ACA was really helping them. We were surprised when a fellow traveler pointed out Chapter 16 in the BRB, "ACA and Therapy." It seemed clear that therapy could be a useful ACA tool for us. So we took a risk - we made a different type of phone call.

Before long, we realized that because we found a therapist who understood adult child issues, it was all working. Maybe we didn't find someone on the first try, but we had the courage to keep trying until we did.

We now see our recovery process move faster and deeper. Our courage in taking a risk is paying off. We feel gratitude that we love ourselves enough to seek this kind of help.

On this day I will pause to reflect on the value that therapy can have for my journey to help me find my unique True Self.

Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.

Page Number 211

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