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March 24


"We learn that we cannot recover alone or in isolation." BRB p. 516

We recover together, sharing the risk of sharing our stories. We risk rejection. We risk humiliation. We risk being afraid that our words won't make sense. We risk crying. We risk being angry. We risk healing.

When we witness one another's pain and shame, those feelings lose their power over us. We break the chains that kept us dispirited, disempowered, disenfranchised, and isolated. Our group carries the collective grief that must no longer be borne alone.

When our loss is brought to the meetings or to the telephone, we no longer cower in silence. We begin to grow wings. We create room in our hearts for hope and trust. We find our power, our center, and our compass. We create space for love, joy, peace, serenity, and our True Selves. We find our Higher Power. We embrace our fellow travelers. We stand shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, spirit to spirit, and bow our heads in gratitude to a Higher Power for giving us this program. We honor our courage to give the gift of recovery to ourselves.

On this day I choose to co-create a healing sanctuary in my group, which gathers its strength from a power greater than our individual selves.

Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.

Page Number 87

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