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Daily Affirmations - Strengthening My Recovery

April 19


"But before we can serve one another, we must first be willing to love and serve ourselves." BRB p. 354

Many of us find such wonderful answers in ACA that we want to spread the word and help others before we understand what ACA is really about, and before we understand that we need to have it before we can give it away.

We're all encouraged to offer service in our meetings as a way of giving back. And that's all that's expected of us for awhile.

If we choose to provide service beyond our meeting, it's essential for our personal recovery that we examine our motives. Anything we do, whether it's getting involved in an Intergroup or starting other meetings, must come from a place of love and gratitude for what we've received. If not, we may get mired in control issues, inserting ourselves in situations where we don't belong. Or we may feel victimized if we think we're not appreciated enough. If these things happen, and we're working our program and using the ACA tools, we'll be able to take a step back and see that service is a gift we give to ourselves and others. It is full of opportunities for growth that we might not otherwise have.

On this day I will balance the service I give with my own recovery needs.

Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.

Page Number 114

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