May 23
Stored Loss
"This sharing of our story with our sponsor or informed counselor reveals destructive patterns in our adult lives while illuminating abuses from our childhood. We also begin to see our grief or stored loss lying beneath our decisions to wrong ourselves and others." BRB p. 110
Some of our shares with our fellow travelers are about the deeper, self-destructive patterns we have been acting out. We may have assumed that we were helpless to change these patterns. Hope seemed to have vanished from our lives.
ACA restores the hope that we can change. The program teaches us that our destructive patterns are learned in childhood and continue to affect us as adults. The knowledge that we, ourselves, aren't self-destructive gives us hope to change what we thought was an unchangeable aspect of ourselves.
It slowly becomes clear to us that unexpressed grief is at the root of all the decisions and actions that resulted in hurting ourselves and others. Finally, relief from these habits can be seen as we raise our sights and see Step Two as giving us the hope we thought was forever lost.
On this day I will share with my fellow travelers my deeper self-destructive patterns in order to help release them. I will express the grief and loss that underpin these habits as I look to Step Two with a renewed sense of hope.
Copyright © 2013 by
Adult Children of Alcoholics®
& Dysfunctional Families
World Service Organization, Inc.
Page Number 149
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