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I claim the ways that I pray. Thinking back to a time when, on a walk or looking out a window, I was filled with a feeling of appreciation. This is a form of ‘prayer’ as it is defined in the dictionary. ‘Reverence’, appreciation of what is beautiful or inspires awe,...
Values in Action

Values in Action

Step Four: Values in action defines me! I can say, “I value honesty.” What strategies do I use to show I am committed to being honest? Faced with a choice between saying “I don’t agree,” and, for example, changing the subject or not responding to someone who I fear is...
Step One Is Not A One-Time Only Step

Step One Is Not A One-Time Only Step

Wishful thinking isn’t prayer. I have discovered limits, if I have worked Step One. No matter how passionately I may have hoped I could get away with it—not suffer consequences—I have admitted I am powerless over alcohol or drugs, no matter who is using them. When...
Step Three Remembers

Step Three Remembers

Trust is something natural, normal—a starting place of innocence. It is part of who I am. A frightened baby is a child experiencing a kind of trauma—an experience of shock or pain. It is an injury in need of healing. Reassurance is like a gentle, soothing lotion being...
Step Ten

Step Ten

Stay safe enough is a recovery goal. Before I experienced adverse conditions, I was an innocent child. Am I going to be restored to that state and condition again? Is it safe? “I don’t have an answer to that question, ‘are we going to become entirely free of the...
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