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Palace of Mirrors

Palace of Mirrors

This song represents a time of darkness just before the dawn of my ACA recovery journey. Its meaning and feel have changed and grown from when I first wrote and recorded it. Over the nearly four years of my time in ACA, I have come back to it and listened with greater...
ACA Works on Internalized Racism

ACA Works on Internalized Racism

I’m a Filipina-American, with nine years in ACA. I did not grow up with alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental illness. I did grow up with immigrant trauma, intergenerational colonialist trauma, internalized racism, and a resulting set of stressed out hard-working...
My Story

My Story

My story begins in 1975 in an old told of Louisiana when I was three years old. I was a child of the consummation of Ralph retired US Navy, unattended military PTSD captain, and Pam vietnamese refugee Codependent mother of 5 children foreigner to US, naturalized...


For me, this sacred element has been the single most important tenet of this program. Crosstalk absolutely hinders my recovery no matter how benign. I had my feelings, thoughts co-opted in childhood and in my closest relationships as an adult, in the name of...
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