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Look For It!

Look For It!

Beauty is something to look for, something I miss if I am preoccupied with getting things done, or worrying about something that will happen.  If I am out of actual danger right now, I have the option of looking, just for the tiny slice of time it takes to raise...
We Are Worth It

We Are Worth It

By sharing their memories and truth about growing up in a dysfunctional family, ACA members use the Steps. The sense of belonging brings happiness and lifts the fog from our hearts and minds. We are loved. We are worth it. Julie N
Box Of Colors

Box Of Colors

We've all been given a box of colors. I remember that huge jumbo set, the one that had every shade under the sun, moon and stars. One day I remember trying to eat the Mango Tango, yes and again on another day lighting the Carnation Pink on fire.... I remember that day...
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