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I remembered the name of someone I knew when I was very little,before my assigned friend, both of us in second grade, moved in across the street.I searched on her name, and in Facebook. Didn’t find her.Hoping she was still here, that she made it. Such an addict...
Au-delà de la survie

Au-delà de la survie

Il y a 35 ans, ma prof de tai-chi-chuan a exposé ses peintures « sumi-e », et ma « grand-mère de cœur » est tombée en arrêt devant celle-ci, puis me l’a offerte, en s’exclamant « C’est vraiment ton portrait ! » Oui, je pressentais déjà que j’étais une espèce de...
Counting Myself In

Counting Myself In

Excluded from the playground. Always picked last for any team sport. And when I am picked, quickly excluded from participation. I’m part of my family, but I don’t belong. Expected to be quiet and invisible. Expected to just go...


Loneliness is an apple hanging from a tree.While plenty of brethren, no skins touch.The space between ensures no borers to the core.No branches to mar the perfect exterior.Loneliness is standing in a crowd.Feeling the thump of music but not my heart.Wondering why all...
Lonely Had Become My Middle Name

Lonely Had Become My Middle Name

Another shot at love.just to be met with scorn ending up with the shovecreating a feeling #forlorn.And I kept on trying.To connect with the outer worldand it felt like dyingwhile shadows danced and swirled.Alone again, alone in the darkWhy have you forsaken...
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