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My Shadow

My Shadow

The shadow, Shows another side Conceals the real me Easier for me to hide That part of myself Others couldn’t seeProjected a different persona Someone I didn’t want to be.People I would meet Desired Outcomes I got,An Inauthentic...
Loving Parent

Loving Parent

My Loving Parent, Guides my daily actionShapes my choices and decisionsTo my utter satisfaction. The voices withinWhich one do I hear?The self-critical blaming voice,Or the loving one that is near.Reacting with fear and self-doubt The adult child...
A New Life in ACA

A New Life in ACA

Cast out of the shadows Facing my pastA process of healing Hoping the changes will last.Coming out of denial,Recognizing the chaos that was therePowerless over the traitsFeelings I no longer could bear.Stuck in the old patternsThe inner drug store’s appealI...