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Inventory – Dreaded Inventory

Inventory – Dreaded Inventory

A searching and fearless moral inventory? With lots of fear and trepidation. I don’t like the word fearless; it’s not true. I’ll use the word courageous instead. Whose inventory? Those who harmed me? After all, they are at fault. My parents, my coworkers, the toxic...
Counting Myself In

Counting Myself In

Excluded from the playground. Always picked last for any team sport. And when I am picked, quickly excluded from participation. I’m part of my family, but I don’t belong. Expected to be quiet and invisible. Expected to just go...
Photo of Daddy-Monster

Photo of Daddy-Monster

I see an old photograph, daddy-Monster when he was about 25, standing with two of his brothers-in-law, dressed sharply, with confidence and self-assurance. I see a dad who’s not a dad. I see an explosive volcano. I see a raging...
The Color Dread

The Color Dread

I was five years old. daddy-Monster told me to take out the trash. I remember the color dread. What if I did it wrong? Then daddy-Monster would explode. But he didn’t explode. I must have done it right. I remember catholic...


daddy-Monster, I remember … I was three years old. You beat me as I was lying in bed. You blamed me for the beating. The worst part of the beating is that I believed your lie. Through countless other acts of violence, you confirmed...
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