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Recovery In Turbulent Times

Recovery In Turbulent Times

We May Encounter Unexpected TurbulenceFasten your SeatbeltPlace your Mask over Nose and MouthBreathe Normally“Keep your seatbelts fastened,” the pilot intoned, “in case we encounter unexpected turbulence.” I complied because, why not? It was no big deal, keeping the...
The Better Triangle

The Better Triangle

I’m good. . . I’m blameless. . . I know I’m right. Where have I seen those phrases? They are from the Drama Triangle in the Traits Workbook. I saw myself. I would jump from Rescuer, trying to help someone because I did not know the difference between love and pity; to...


This is a very difficult subject for me. Isolation is where I go when something in the world overwhelms me. It’s where I go when I’m hurt. It’s where my parents put me. It’s all I know when there is pain.The most horrible thing about isolation is that there is no...
Currency Of Codependence

Currency Of Codependence

Growing up, I got the message loud and clear in cruel words and in abusive actions that I was unlovable, a bother, and that there was something inherently wrong with me. When I wasn’t at the end of my mother’s wrath and frustration, I was mostly ignored and forgotten....
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