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My First Quarterly Meeting

My First Quarterly Meeting

I came into the ’12 Step Recovery World’ over 30 years ago, ab“soul” utely b-r-o-k-e-n, having fallen beside the hearts of those who had walked before me to eventually crawl myself back into a body of dignity, hope and strength. One year ago, I found ACA and it is...
Submitting A Proposal

Submitting A Proposal

REMEMBER: Proposals for the 2023 ABC are due by September 30th.  If your group has composed a proposal to be considered for the Ballot, go to: to make your submission.  NOTE: The easiest way to submit the form...
2022 ABC Results

2022 ABC Results

The 2022 Annual Business Conference, which took place over 3 days entirely on zoom, included a number of new features.  First, as the conference takes place 9am to 5pm Eastern time, delegates from certain other time zones are not able to join the meeting during...
The Call For Proposals

The Call For Proposals

If your group has an idea to benefit ACA worldwide, they may submit it as a Proposal. Each Proposal could become an item on a Ballot. Voted on in March, by ACA groups globally, the results will help set the agenda of the Annual Business Conference (ABC). During the...