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Thank You For Your Service

Thank You For Your Service

It’s like puppies in a basket,hunkered down for warmth,happy to be joined togetherin common purpose.Then, a puppy wakes, jumpsout of the basket, startssniffing at the floor, beginsto race around the room.Another puppy startles, seeswhat looks like independenceand...


CryingThere’s a reason I can’t cryPart of me just hears the lieI think It’s weak and I’d be a babyI gotta pretend I’m not hurt or crazyWhen someone cries I envy themThey got a gift that I can’t haveIt feels like I’m a machine insideNot able to feel a single thing...
The Healing Adult And The Child Within

The Healing Adult And The Child Within

The maimed child within:terrified,paralyzed with fear.Forced to trust daddy-Monsterwho’s unstable and dangerous –unpredictably explosive.Forced to trust bitter battered mom,who gave him birth,who’s drunk,slurring her speech,unable/unwilling to protect herselfor her...
The Selfish Empty Nest

The Selfish Empty Nest

Seventeen years spent on the family farm. Home from school to the shock of my room packed on the porch.  My baby book, framed pictures of perfectly posed horses, trophies and ribbons, horse magazines with my name inside, plaid button up shirts on hangers, my well...


Imagine a balance Or a see-saw With a boulder resting on one side. You are pushing down on the other To even out the beam, Pushing with your whole self, muscles Shaking. Or imagine you are trying to pull free A rope Or length of fabric trapped In the earth under a...
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