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Half Sober

Half Sober

Gregarious daddy-Monster,the life of the party,addicted to cleverness,always with an answer. Hundreds of friends.Always involved with others.A social butterfly.Admired by everyone else. He achieved physical sobriety.Most of his spare timewas spent at meetings.He made...
Inner Critic

Inner Critic

I hear her voice in my head: “God forbid a stranger should find fault with you.” Such an event would of course embarrass the whole family. I wonder how many generations have heard this — I had heard two — then repeated it when they became parents. “God forbid that a...
Together Alone

Together Alone

Mom’s on the couch, Dad’s in the den with his gin Two different worlds with a 10-foot wall in betweenHe yells out “that TV show is crap”But I love Lucy because she makes Mom laughTogether alone we live in this homeLeft to our own devicesHiding the pain inside...
Step Three Remembers

Step Three Remembers

Trust is something natural, normal—a starting place of innocence. It is part of who I am. A frightened baby is a child experiencing a kind of trauma—an experience of shock or pain. It is an injury in need of healing. Reassurance is like a gentle, soothing lotion being...
Si c’est que pour moi…

Si c’est que pour moi…

En travaillant ma 4ème étape, j’avais identifié une croyance toxique implantée en moi : « Si c’est que pour moi, la merde suffira »… Voilà le niveau de respect de soi auquel j’ai été habituée. Il y a 30 ans, j’avais écrit un poème imprégné de cette croyance comme si...
Le Villian Petit Canard

Le Villian Petit Canard

D’après mon conseiller spirituel, l’« ego » est la somme de nos croyances internes, enfouies dans notre âme. Elles sont devenues inconscientes : une sorte de réflexe pour le vilain petit canard que j’ai été conditionnée à être. Voilà pourquoi 4ème et 10ème étapes sont...
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