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Vessel on the rocky shore and ocean swallowing up the broken wreck.The wreckage of the past is something i did regret,Now i give myself compassion and love like my pet,Recovery is going to help me, it helps me to be free,Society is something i don't worry about and...
True Teacher

True Teacher

(A short letter/poem to the one teacher who made a difference for me, who revealed my competence to me.)Dear seventh-grade math teacher, you had no idea – the family violence endured by one of your students. I was a C/D student before your...
Fight, Flight, Freeze (Facing PTSD)

Fight, Flight, Freeze (Facing PTSD)

ChildhoodFight… to be seen, heard, cared for, respected, understood, protected… No way. That kind of dreams never came true.Flight… Dreams, imagination, stories in my books and in my mind… All that can re-write crude life is welcomed.Freeze… Don’t talk, don’t feel, be...


The board was so immaculateColorful and demeaning all in onePossibility of jail, if not carefulRules modified by people I was playing withStrategic and aligned to have an advantageThe street signified the poverty and wealthBoardwalk and Park Place were above most pay...
There’s No Place Like No Peace At Home

There’s No Place Like No Peace At Home

My first memory of daddy-Monster: I’m three years old; he beats me as I lie in bed. There’s no place like screaming myself to sleep. Daddy-Monster locks me in the scary basement when I’m four or five. There’s no place like knowing I’m safer behind a...
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