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If I Had Stayed

If I Had Stayed

Timidly I share one story, then only after assessing your reaction, I share another.As if feeding a duck, one piece of bread at a time, Ensuring it will follow.Once you are full, I watch carefully for clues that you will fly awayMy pain too much for any...
Alien Invader

Alien Invader

Twenty-four years old: Someone treats me with contempt. Someone views me as worthless. Someone disrespects me. A bureaucrat treats me as an object – a thing to be discarded. Anger churns within. Without thinking, I retaliate. A...
Quatre postures

Quatre postures

1. CoupableIl y a longtemps, je suis sortie de mon déni matrimonial : mes rêves de maternité ne se réaliseraient jamais, je n’étais guère qu’une cocue risible, il devenait urgent d’abandonner mon bénévolat idéaliste, trouver un vrai boulot, apprendre à vivre par...


Reaching out.Loathing the risk.Shaking hands.Putting on the smile.Saying something inane.Doubting all the while. Cheery and chipper.Everyone’s favorite.All the while feeling insane.Seeming secure in the limelight.Pretending to be calmDoubting all the while. Reaching...


Out the window an endless sea of white… I close my eyes… like the white knubby blanket on my bed when I tried to sleep so still, so flatthat no one would know I was in the bed - especially not the vampire in my closet.“Little Me, this is scared.”I lie...
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