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Meet Me

Meet Me

Meet me when I wake up before my prayers so that I can have a smoke...Meet me at the coffee pot so that I can feel the coffee and tons of sugar glide down my throat...Meet me after breakfast while I put on my house and coat...Meet me at lunchtime instead of eating I...
Locomotive Codépendante

Locomotive Codépendante

En grandissant, les seules façons d’obtenir un fragile droit à l’existence étaient: 1) voyager à l’étranger, de préférence dans des lieux perdus ou extraordinaires ; 2) obtenir des diplômes médicaux, ou au moins scientifiques (sciences humaines et littérature étaient...
Values in Action

Values in Action

Step Four: Values in action defines me! I can say, “I value honesty.” What strategies do I use to show I am committed to being honest? Faced with a choice between saying “I don’t agree,” and, for example, changing the subject or not responding to someone who I fear is...
Step One Is Not A One-Time Only Step

Step One Is Not A One-Time Only Step

Wishful thinking isn’t prayer. I have discovered limits, if I have worked Step One. No matter how passionately I may have hoped I could get away with it—not suffer consequences—I have admitted I am powerless over alcohol or drugs, no matter who is using them. When...
Blindsided by Suicide

Blindsided by Suicide

To my fellow travelers: this month marks the tenth anniversary of my brother’s final decision; the incomprehensible decision to end his life. I wrote this poem three years ago and I’m sharing it now to honor my brother and to offer my heart to those experiencing...
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