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Emotional Sobriety

Emotional Sobriety

What does it mean to me?Not getting on the fast train to nowhere.Choosing to get on the slow train - the recovery train!Having more intuition and discernment on board to know when I’m in a triggering situation.Having my loving parent on-board to guide me through the...
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Découvir Les Frontiéres

En tant qu’adolescente souffrant d’obsessions suicidaires, j’avais de grandes difficultés à respecter la limite suprême entre vie et mort. Trop, c’est trop. Les soi-disant « soins psychiatriques » empiraient ces obsessions : un comble ! Il m’aura fallu quatre...


Ask for help. Attend a meeting. Serenity prayer. Admit and embrace my powerlessness. Repeat again. Climb out of my comfort zone. Attend a meeting. Show up and participate. Admit and embrace my powerlessness. Release my illusion of control. Climb out of my comfort...


I have spent most of my life drowning. Every time I came up for air there was a thumb pushing me under. If the thumb was taking a break, there was someone’s opinion, dragging me under. A constant battle of gasping for air. No break in the waves of trauma as far as the...
Mon Dieu, donnez-moi…

Mon Dieu, donnez-moi…

Mon Dieu, donnez-moi de découvrir ce que signifient ces cinq mots : ils sont si mystérieux, si étranges, si inconnus, si exotiques… Mon Dieu, donnez-moi…LA FOI……pour rester “abstinente à la peur” quoi qu’il arrive.(outils : 2ème Etape, alimentée en cultivant la...