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Découvir Les Frontiéres

Découvir Les Frontiéres

En tant qu’adolescente souffrant d’obsessions suicidaires, j’avais de grandes difficultés à respecter la limite suprême entre vie et mort. Trop, c’est trop. Les soi-disant « soins psychiatriques » empiraient ces obsessions : un comble ! Il m’aura fallu quatre...
Trees and Connection

Trees and Connection

Throughout most of my childhood,I climbed my beloved climbing tree that made sour plums in the summer.The best climbing tree in the neighborhood was in the front yard of an aged retired couplewho had been missionaries in Japan.Not a word about religion was...
I Believe

I Believe

I believe in the sun and the moon, that they will come around again.I believe in the clouds and the blue sky, and the starry nights.I believe in the summer and winter, that they will come around again too.I believe in the trees, the plants, and the grasses.I believe...
Safety Tent Card History

Safety Tent Card History

The Safety Tent Card will be presented to Delegates for Conference Approval at the 2024 Annual Business Conference (ABC) on May 18, 2024. Here is a history of the development of the Safety Tent Card from the Literature Committee:The APB (Addressing Predatory Behavior)...
The Color Dread

The Color Dread

I was five years old. daddy-Monster told me to take out the trash. I remember the color dread. What if I did it wrong? Then daddy-Monster would explode. But he didn’t explode. I must have done it right. I remember catholic...
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