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Paul is my nameOh what a recovery journey this has beenWillingness to heal from my childhood woundsEverything becomes a bit more clear since then.Reparenting brings me new insightsLooking at how I now look at things differentlyEveryone makes me feel less aloneSo much...
Désapprendre L’Impuissance

Désapprendre L’Impuissance

Récemment, j’étais à 250 km de chez moi, attendant mon train… Un haut-parleur donnait parfois des bribes d’information : il y avait eu un « accident de personne ». Les informations contradictoires se succédaient, ne me laissant pas d’autre choix que de patienter dans...


Here’s an exercise that unifies all the Steps from Step One through Step Seven. It takes just a few minutes to sum up the gradual progress we have made, spiritually, in recovery. Check how it feels, in the centered place where our ribs come together to form a...
Step One And Beyond- Powerlessness And Power

Step One And Beyond- Powerlessness And Power

I am powerless over:— in childhood —• being born unwanted• the generational violence which created my parents• daddy-Monster’s hatred, violence, immaturity, and drunkenness• mom’s bitterness and excessive drinking• my reckless brother’s violence, foolish choices, and...
The Waves Of Life

The Waves Of Life

While watching ocean waves wash up on the shore, I realize that those waves did not start here. Forces beyond my sight started them way out in the ocean, and they meet the shore all along the coastline. In some places the shore is rocky, and the waves strike the rocks...